
Coach Soltren - It's Official!

I just checked the USA Cycling Web site, and guess what I found!

Road - Cat 3
Track - Cat 3

That's right ladies and gentlemen, USA Cycling has determined that I'm capable of passing a really easy test and a background check! I'm "technically" a certified "coach". Whether I ever take on any formal clients is another story, but this is a good story to tell on the road. For more information, please visit http://www.usacycling.org/news/user/story.php?id=95. How many other cycling coaches do you know? (If you're reading this blog, well, probably at least three, but that's beside the point.)

I'll eventually work toward becoming a Level 2 and Level 1 coach. At the very least, I'd like to learn much more about the physiology of periodization of training. The question is, when?

If you want further proof, check out the USAC Search Results.

Level up.